Friday, December 18, 2009


we were driving through downtown elkhart last saturday, and since i've been on a no-flash kick, i decided to snap a few pics of the pretty lights, with no flash, while in motion. kinda fun.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009


it's rare we get a good sunrise around here, but a couple days ago, just as we were getting up, my daughter said, "look mommy! the sun is waking up!" i looked outside the back door to see this:

trick or treat bags

i made these adorable trick-or-treat bags using *this* tutorial. only i used placemats because i couldn't find any bandana's at the dollar store. so i had to adapt the pattern a wee bit, but it wasn't any big deal, they're just tall and skinny instead of square.

Monday, October 5, 2009

my first big sewing project

i made this outfit for sage. it's a summer outfit, and i started it in the spring. but due to having 5 kids over the summer, i didn't actually finish it til september. fortunately, it's way too big, so hopefully she'll be able to wear it next summer.

she was an unwilling model that day

i still can't believe i made clothes! i've made a few little things here and there (rags, burp cloths for the baby, etc) but clothes!?! i'd like to make more, but geez, it took like 6 months just to make this one outfit. guess i just need more practice. i actually really like sewing.

another sewing project coming soon...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

the 7-year rocking chair

this rocking chair was in this house when i moved into the upstairs apartment, 7 years ago.
i wish i had a "before" picture. it was hideous.
but, optimist that i am, i decided i could fix it up. so i got to work. then i got distracted by this guy i met, ended up marrying him, had 2 babies, moved a couple times (ended up back here in this same house - long story).
in the midst of a busy time, every now and then i would get it out and work on it a little bit.
tore off the old nasty upholstery.
stripped, sanded, stained and varnished.
and this weekend, i finally finished the cushions.
and it's done, to my husband's great relief.

this picture is of the back cushion.
for the fabric, i used a bed sheet i found at a thrift store.

found this pillow at a thrift store also. for ninety cents.
i saw as similar one at a craft store for TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS!!!
this is the seat cushion.

i sewed a removable cover for it so it can be washed, as it will no doubt get spilled on.

i thought about using buttons or velcro, but i don't know how to make button holes, and i didn't have any velcro, so i just made these little tie thingy's.

top front of the chair.
i finished the edges off with this woven ribbon type thing i also found at a thrift store.

bottom front.
back of the chair, using decorative upholstery pins.

i got a slight smudge of glue on the front right corner when i was gluing the ribbon on. not sure how to get that off. oh well.

for my first upholstery job, i'm really happy with how this turned out.

i don't know why i can't get the words to line up with the pictures. this is the 3rd time i've re-done this post, and i'm not doing it again. you get the idea.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

it's fall!

this is real. i walked past this on saturday. beautiful, isn't it?

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

toledo zoo: turtles

we had a great time at the zoo, but going through these photos now, i'm just amazed at the variety of animals there are in the world. so many different sizes - from tiny little spiders to giant hippos; so many colors, especially in the aviary and the aquarium. usually we only get to see the city animals - sparrows, squirrels, domestic pets. mostly everything is brown. but in the wild (or the zoo) the variety of shapes, sizes and colors is truly awesome. and it's even more amazing to think that everything from the animals to the vegetation to the weather all work together to create this ecosystem of life on earth. what a beautiful creation. oh, and if you've already viewed the "zoo flowers" post, check it out again. i didn't mean to publish it, it was incomplete. it's finished now.

ok, on with the show...

i love turtles. they're my favorite animal. i don't know why, i just think they're so cute with their little heads poking out of their shells. even these big ones.

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toledo zoo: the big ones!



the elephants were hiding, so i didn't get any good shots of them, unfortunately.

toledo zoo: the aquarium

unicorn fish. i've never heard of this before, but i thought it was pretty neat looking.

this could be my favorite picture from the whole zoo. the octopus. all squished up into the corner of the tank. it's beautiful! and somehow gross at the same time.

clown fish really do live in anemones! who knew?

this was supposed to be some kind of glowing coral or something.

jelly fish - so cool.


toledo zoo: the ape house

these pictures are not very good, but i didn't want to leave out the apes. the lighting was weird in this building, and there was a lot of glare on the glass that i just couldn't find a way around.

anyway, here are gorillas

and orangutans

so, this picture is horrible, but this was a momma orangutan (left) playing with her baby(right). it was SO CUTE, even though the picture is bad, i couldn't leave it out.

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