Monday, October 5, 2009

my first big sewing project

i made this outfit for sage. it's a summer outfit, and i started it in the spring. but due to having 5 kids over the summer, i didn't actually finish it til september. fortunately, it's way too big, so hopefully she'll be able to wear it next summer.

she was an unwilling model that day

i still can't believe i made clothes! i've made a few little things here and there (rags, burp cloths for the baby, etc) but clothes!?! i'd like to make more, but geez, it took like 6 months just to make this one outfit. guess i just need more practice. i actually really like sewing.

another sewing project coming soon...

1 comment:

CassieU said...

so cute. looks great. i like the details in the top! I look forward to providing a baby for you to "practice" on if you need it!! giggles.

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