Tuesday, August 18, 2009

black eyed susan's

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Fawnda@Fireflies and Jellybeans said...

I love black eyed susans! they are one of my favoirte flowers! Nice pictures!

CassieU said...

is this at your house?

critter control said...

I love fall! I am in huge denial this year. I have rushed into the fall decor and mind set every single year of my adult life. But this year I am just pretending it is summer until I can't stand to wear shorts anymore. There is so much more I want to do. I have to hit the beach just one more time, and I really want to watch the sunset from the shore of lake michigan, Bike the 26 mile pumpkin vine trail with my family in small chunks at a time. I am confessing to you now so you can hold me accountable to do it.

Annette W. said...

I love your pictures! (And so glad I won your notecards!)

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