Friday, April 29, 2011

I'm kind of in love with this one.

... and this one's cool too. Photoshop.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Playing with Picnik.
While I like editing and making cool artistic looking photos, I love the purity and simplicity of the original image. I feel like all the editing takes away from the beauty of the natural capture. So here I'm showing both.
I like the edits better on the 2nd one. It's not too different, just softened the color a little bit, and added the "matte" around the edges.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

playing with photoshop

I'm still learning how to use Photoshop. I found some neat features while poking around tonight. The first two are pics I've taken recently, flowers from my yard. The last one was taken a few years ago, but was also from my yard. It's one of my all time favorites.

Monday, April 11, 2011

I know I haven't been posting too much over here. I've been focusing my creative energy on my Picture-A-Day series on my "family" blog. Just wanted to share this lily. We had just about given up on it because it sat in its pot for about 2 or 3 years and did nothing but sprout this tiny little bud on top of the bulb. Then all of a sudden, this year, it just shot up. Every day it would grow at least an inch, and now it looks like this! there are about 3 huge flowers at the top of a 2-foot-tall stem! It's absolutely gorgeous, and I'm glad we didn't give up on it after all.

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