Tuesday, January 15, 2013

2013 Photo Challenge: January

I have been craving a creative challenge, so when I read that Jessica Drossin, an amazing photographer and inspiring artist, was coordinating this challenge, I couldn't wait to jump in. It is a monthly challenge for all of 2013, so that gives me lots of time and space to flex my muscles and see what I can do. The challenge for January is to choose a song, any song, and compose a photograph that somehow reflects the song. The song I chose is Fast Car by Tracy Chapman. (song with lyrics here) Contrary to popular belief, it's not *really* about a fast car. It's about dreaming and planning and striving for a better life (and using a fast car to get there). You've got a fast car I've got a plan to get us out of here Been working at the convenience store Managed to save just a little bit of money Won't have to drive too far Just cross the border and into the city You and I can both get jobs And finally see what it means to be living *** You've got a a fast car We go cruising entertain ourselves You still ain't got a job Now I work in the market as a checkout girl I know things will get better You'll find work and I'll get promoted We'll move out of the shelter Buy a bigger house and live in the suburbs Fast Car This is a photo of my friends, T & P hanging out together at home. They dream of a better life for themselves and their baby. They work hard. Poverty is extremely difficult, if not impossible to get out of. There is a lot of propaganda going around about how the rich pay taxes so the poor don't have to work. While there are some moochers who live off "the system" because they're too lazy to do anything else, 99% of the people I know who live in or near poverty, work very hard, and see very little for it. To me, this song reflects the dreams of a better life that many of us have, whether or not we live in poverty. But unlike the middle-class or the wealthy, those in poverty have very little opportunity to change their situation, and many remain stuck there for life. {I didn't win the contest, however I made the "honorable mention" list of 10, and I couldn't be more excited! Click here to see the winners.}

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