Friday, June 25, 2010


i got a picture of lightning! i know it's not phenomenal lightning, but it's my first time so i'm excited!
i sat on my front porch on wednesday night as the tornado sirens were going off (sorry mom),
and took about 25 pictures of the sky, just to get this one:

a close up of the same picture:

and a few of the storm rolling in, getting darker and scarier:

i don't know if you can tell from the trees, but apparently we had like 70mph winds:
there ended up being 5 tornadoes in our area, but they were all to the south of us.

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CassieU said...

that's one of my life time goals....a picture of lightning. Nice work! wow. glad you and your house were safe.

Anonymous said...

Your captures are awesome! What editing program do you use?

Unknown said...

Anon ~ I use Picasa. it's nothing fancy, but I like it. :)

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