Sunday, July 31, 2011

C & A: A Country Wedding, Part 2

I officially love photographing weddings. I haven't done very many, so that could change in the future. But I love weddings in general. They're so full of hope. A starry-eyed couple, pledging to love each other forever, through better and worse, having no idea what the "better" and the "worse" will mean for them. It's so beautiful. I always think of my own wedding, and it seems like we were just kids back then. I love to watch these kids standing on the threshold of a new chapter in life. And it is such an exciting honor to be the photo-journalist recording this, one of the most important events in this couple's life. The official beginning of their life together.

This particular wedding was SO MUCH FUN. It was the perfect blend of "country" and "beautiful." The bride wore cowboy (girl) boots with her traditional elegant wedding dress. The scenery was amazing- woods, log rocking chairs on the porch, long gravel drive way (pretty much my dream home). The decorations were flowers and candles under a big white tent. The ceremony was the traditional procession of attendants; minister, vows, rings. If I could re-do my wedding, I would copy this one as much as possible. I am in love with this couple. They are so photogenic, they made my job really easy. Besides that, they are friendly, tons of fun, and totally head over heels for each other.

This photo was requested by the groom. It's a family tradition through several generations. How fun is that? I would love to see all the photos side-by-side.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

C & A: A Country Wedding, Part 1

While the bride was getting ready, she let me borrow her boots and rings. I couldn't wait to share these:

Monday, July 25, 2011

Wedding: E & A

It was an absolute joy photographing the wedding of this beautiful couple. Congratulations to you both!
(If you want to see a few more, click the link to the right to view my Facebook page.)

this is right after the kiss - so cute!
cute feet! (I love pictures of feet)

Mr. and Mrs.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Family G

I love this family. This is the same family who's newborn pictures I took a few days ago, but we realized we didn't get any "whole family" shots, so I went back for a mini-session today. I knew M & R before they were married. I love to see families grow!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Baby I

A little peek at this precious new baby, just 3 days old in these pictures!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Down on the Farm

We joined a CSA this year through Rise Up Farms. I LOVE it! I love getting fresh organic veggies every week straight off the farm. On Saturday they had a pot-luck dinner for everyone/anyone who is involved. It was fun to meet some new people and enjoy dishes made mostly from our farm fresh veggies! My husband was a little bummed that there was no meat. I was ok with it. Next time we'll bring a dish with meat for the non-vegetarians in the group.

I love that we can have a picnic using mostly non-disposables.
One of the farmers made this beautiful bowl. Another guy who was there made this awesome stone table.
Love to see our veggies growing!

 MMmmmm, tomatoes!

Love this sweet baby bird!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


"regular" (no effects)

"1960's" effect

"cross process" effect

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