Saturday, February 14, 2009

February Love

These are some wrist warmers / fingerless mittens (whatever they're called) I made for Fawnda by special request.

And this is a turtle I made for Ky (Fawnda's son) for his 1st birthday. I tried to make him a sweater/vest/cardigan thingy, but it turned out WAY too big. It's even too big for Sage. Oh well. The turtle is cute.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

hand made hand warmers

i decided to make these little hand warmers for valentine's day. here's how i made them:

cut a piece of fabric from an old shirt about 2" x 6" (you could make this ANY size). fold in half, "right sides" together. stitch up the sides leaving about a 1/2" gap at the end. turn inside out. with a funnel, fill with uncooked rice, about 2/3 full. fold in the un-sewed fabric, and whip stitch to close.

warm in microwave for about 15-20 seconds for a cozy treat for your cold hands! you could keep inside your mittens to keep your hands warmer when outside.

i plan on making bigger ones soon for cuddling in bed!
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