Thursday, August 28, 2008

my latest masterpiece

this photo was my inspiration, but obviously i strayed a bit - i wasn't looking at the photo when i did the painting, i just tried to remember it in my head... and i had a hard time making orange with my very limited selection of paint colors.

i rather like the way it turned out anyway

some computer editing - this is the "watercolor" version

and the "oil paint" version - kinda fun - i think i like this one best.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

august 2008


see the birds?

um... can corn get cancer???

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

august 2008

puppies, about 2 weeks old
weko beach, lake michigan
a sunflower, not yet opened
sunflowers and cosmos - waiting for flowers

we think this is rose of sharon - not sure

found this little creature in my tomatoes

chili peppers


tomatoes growing through the fence

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